the future of public engagement is here — are you ready?
COVID-19 has changed the way we interact with the public, but it hasn’t changed the requirements for public participation in the planning process. Lots of tools have been offered up, each with pros and cons—but none is a single solution that delivers equitable, inclusive and comprehensive engagement.
That’s why the engagement experts at Karp Strategies and Arch Street Communications teamed up to build a virtual toolkit to get communication back on track and pointed to the future. The stakes are high: we need projects to gain approval and begin implementation to create jobs, add services and pave the path to recovery.
The toolkit is separated into seven types of products, and we’ve included our best guidance for how, when, and if to use each tool. Use the form below to download your toolkit today!
and watch the recorded webinar
On October 30, 2020, CEOs Rebecca Karp (KStrat) and Nora Madonick (ASC) presented the toolkit in a live webinar with real-time public engagement problem solving.
Watch the recording to learn best practices on utilizing the toolkit and see demos of virtual tools you may have overlooked.
​We'd love to help you build a powerhouse of outreach communication, and hope you will call us to team on projects moving forward. But whether or not you engage us, please enjoy this toolkit; it is our gift to the our industry, our contribution to moving toward and beyond recovery.