Workforce Development and Career Pathways Analysis for Educators in Prolonged International Crises (UNICEF)
Globally, humanitarian and natural disasters have become increasingly prolonged. For humanitarian relief organizations, this means yesterday’s rapid-relief model has become today’s prolonged service provision, raising questions about implications for delivery of daily necessities for children such as education. As the humanitarian sector becomes more formalized, organizations seek to understand what shifts in service delivery mean for its current and future workforce. With these questions in mind, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), in conjunction with key education stakeholders, including the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) and Save the Children, hired Equitas Education and Karp Strategies to conduct an assessment of existing opportunities for learning, training, and capacity development in Education in Emergencies (EiE) specifically, and education and humanitarian response broadly. This assessment culminated in a report and recommendations to stakeholders on how to strengthen and sustain workforce development system and capacity of educators working in prolonged international crises. As workforce development and market economics experts, Karp Strategies worked with the international consulting team of experts in humanitarian relief and educational service delivery, to provide the study analysis framework and tools for market analysis. The firm guided survey design and analytics, assessed data, advised on interviews, contributed to the production of four key reports, and led analysis of career pathways for the workforce development recommendations. In addition, Karp Strategies conducted substantial desk reviews of broader humanitarian workforce development, including learning and capacity development efforts. Key deliverables included: three interim reports (inception, state of the sector, and workforce development assessment) and a final report; hiring manager survey; service provider survey; key informant interview protocols.